Composer Christopher Bono (BARDO, Ghost Against GhostNOUS) steps into the public sphere after a four year hiatus to present the first in a series of immersive ambient events.

This performance is an immersive sound bath, grounded by a meditative focus on a drone of the note F. Using a combination of Analog Synthesizer, Gong, Chant, and Kalimbas, Bono weaves ambient sound fields informed by his study of sound healing, jazz and classical composition. 

Audience members will have an opportunity to listen quietly or to participate through chanting simple vowels or improvisations, and engage with small instruments provided by the composer. This is a wonderful opportunity for non-musicians to experiment with their own musical expression in a safe space without fear of judgement.

The long and static nature of the drone has been used in ancient forms of music for millennia, and it is very conducive to guiding/assisting the listener into a meditative space by encouraging a hyper awareness of their sense consciousness. Listeners are encouraged to use the breath to concentrate their mind and to hear and focus on the impermanent nature of the sound as it moves around and within them in a swirling manner.

You are invited to become as comfortable as possible: to sit upright in meditation or to lay down with props and blankets in a relaxed position. Please bring comfortable clothing and meditation cushions for sitting, and if you would like to lay down we encourage you to bring 2-3 blankets in order to have head support as well as back support.

**This performance is part of a new series of “Works in Progress” workshops presented by Our Silent Canvas in an effort to make the process of artistic development and exploration accessible and transparent to the public. We are excited to begin a new ambient and sound healing series where ambient artists explore and share in small, intimate listening spaces. 

This performance is by Donation Only!
All net proceeds will go to Dhamma Dhara Vipassana Center in Shelbourne, MA